What can ducks eat? The complete A to Z guide.

A male mallard eating

Ducks are omnivores and will eat almost anything.

Domestic ducks are fed mostly on dry pelleted feed bought from the feed store. The natural diet of Wild ducks is a varied mix of vegetation and water plants like duckweed as well as any insects, worms, small mammals, snails, frogs and seeds.

Ducks have even been known to eat other amphibians and fresh water crayfish.

If you have found yourself wondering what you can safely feed your ducks then look no further.

Ducks will eat just about everything they can fit in their bills, that doesn't mean it is good for them though.

Always make sure that whatever you choose to feed to your ducks is small enough. Ducks swallow their feed whole and big lumps could get stuck.

Below: Some of my ducks eating treats.


Don't forget you can grow foods yourself to help with the cost of feeding your flock.

What do ducks like to eat the most?

My ducks like fresh cooked green peas or scrambled eggs the most. When it comes to foods the find while free ranging it is probably  insects and worms. 

I give them frozen sweetcorn kernels in the summer heat and they really love them.

You can do a test with your ducks, squash a snail under your foot so as they hear the shell break and see how long it is before they are all stood around you like vultures.

What  foods can ducks eat? Or not eat!